Neolithic Age Mindset vs Bronze Age Mindset
Historians, based on anthropological studies and some numerous sculptures of women found in Paleolithic and Neolithic times, associate pre–Bronze Age Europe to being a Matriarchy, when the woman had the highest leadership status. The woman was the only caretaker of a child. The child did not have a father figure, but only had a mother figure. The idea of the “nuclear family” did not exist. People back then did not understand the connection between sex and conception. Therefore, the father did not develop a “family” relationship with the child in the mother’s womb. The mother was considered almost like the sole creator of a child. For this reason, the mother, as a female, was glorified like a Goddess. One of the more significant sculptures representing the glory of the female and her being associated with the creation, was The Snake Goddess of Minoans found at the island of Crete in modern day Greece.
During that time, Europe was triable, the land was characterized by distributed tribes in villages. Civilization and city states as we know them today were non-existent.
Many historians relate this era to a time of peace, a time when life was merrier. Some feminist academics argue that Europe and the world should go back to this so-called “natural state”. Humans, during the pre-historic age, lived under a Matriarchal “society” for far longer than they have lived under the ‘current’ Patriarchal society. According to them the Patrifocal age is characterized by war, inequality, and environmental destruction, which are all justified by “fake progress”. The question would be, how can a Matriarchal society last for so long? One can simply connect it with the natural outcome of maternity, the woman is the one and only leadership figure according to a child, hence she is the one and only leadership figure according to society as a whole. However, more intriguingly, one can look at it as the successful process of the domestication of men.
The Matriarchal society can be described as obedient and compliant. Whatever the mother Goddess says, we should obey. The nature of the masculine is to be violent and disobedient, the nature of the feminine is to be peaceful and obedient. The goal of the Matriarchal society was to take out the man from his nature and make him more feminine, in other words more compliant and domesticated. The men, in Paleolithic and Neolithic times living among the tribes ruled by women that worshiped Goddesses, were weak. They were men living in the pod, they accepted whatever they were given, they were not builders of anything, and they were almost like slaves, simply fed to do basic agricultural work. This was how the Matriarchal society sustained itself, but this was also how it was dismantled.
The new Europe based on a Patriarchal rule was made possible by the invasion of Indo-Aryan, Indo-European peoples form the east. These people were strong, horse riding, sea invading patriarchs who successfully settled and ruled the European land. The indigenous sedentary and matriarchal tribes could not stand a chance. Simply because the indigenous men of that time were not warriors, they were raised to be compliant, their natural manly instinct of violence and adventure were completely suppressed.
In Greek Mythology, Perseus is a young and strong man who was known for being the slayor of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus possibly symbolizes the rebellious and untamed invader patriarchal men. The men who liberated Europe from the domestication that was needed to achieve the Matriarchy. Some historians argue that Medusa was the Greek’s representation of The Snake Goddess of Minoans in Crete and Perseus is the patriarchal man who defeated the symbol of the Matriarchy.
By the end of the Neolithic times, which happened to be late-stage Matriarchy and the early beginning of the Patriarchy, every European civilization that built the basis of the so-called “western civilization” started to emerge. The Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Romans etc. These civilizations were characterized by the nourishment of the nature of men instead of the suppression of it. Men were encouraged to build, take on adventure, become fighters and be rebellious. Every man wanted to be a hero and being a hero was not an easy task at all. These civilizations expanded, conquered, and colonized. They even were fearless enough to explore the sea and found new lands in the process. They saw beyond the present and their native space. They always looked beyond their “safety net”. There was nothing that these people could not do, and they were always ready to fight external invaders. Patriarchal men of the Bronze Age were the complete opposite of the Matriarchal men that came before them.
Fiat Age Mindset
Modern Soyboys
“The ruling elite will require, not just that you follow the law and pay your taxes, but that you love your rulers, and that your love and obedience is a signal of their legitimacy.” — Lessons by Hunger
With all that being said, a question goes through the mind of the reader. Is the west currently living under a Patriarchal society? Are men as rebellious and liberated as Perseus, ready to slay the authoritarian figure that is Medusa?
The argument for our society being “Patriarchal” is simple, you just extract numbers and statistics of how leading industries are male oriented, how states are mostly ruled by men, and how we barely have any women representation in these critical fields. However, this is not precisely the distinction we made between the pre-historic Matrifocal society and the later Patriarchal invaders. The distinction was a society based on obedience and compliance to the mother Goddess of the tribes versus a society based on the natural rebellious and non-compliant instinct of man.
If we look at today’s society, we can find in men a lot of similarities to the men who lived in Matrifocal tribes. The majority of the men today are compliant, they never question the media, or the information laid upon them, they do whatever the authority tells them to do, and more often than not, they refuse to leave the comfortable safety net. The state and the media are the modern version of the mother Goddess, who used to control the behaviour of the tribe and whose teachings were aimed at the domestication of men to avoid a natural man driven rebellion. Modern men are barely coerced into staying home during lockdown for almost 2 years, they simply comply. Because those men were not raised on the basis of the nourishment of their own nature, in other words, be rebellious. They were raised to listen to the Mother Goddess aka the “nanny state”. One can look at TV news and social media propaganda in a very similar way to how one would look at the tribal rituals that used take place in Paleolithic and Neolithic European villages.
Today’s society is not majorly ruled by females, so on paper it is not a Matriarchy. However, the men of today have been raised the same way the men of a Matrifocal society would have been. The Soyboy meme is nothing but a representation of a completely domesticated man, he is the opposite of Perseus. He is a worshiper of The Snake Goddess or Medusa.
Control The Money Control The Men Control The World
“The sun of Rome is set. Our day is gone. Clouds, dews and daggers come; our deeds are done”. — Shakespeare
Many see compliance and the subjugation of men as a problem that needs to be fixed rather than a consequence of something much bigger. This is usually the stance found among the conservative parties. It is not very clear how the Matrifocal tribes were able to exercise control over the men back in the day, but it happened. But today’s control is exercised through a big state, only made possible through the control of Money, which means the control over people’s time and energy.
By early 20th century, the age of the rebellious patriarchs came to an end and the age of compliance begun. When you read the stories and achievements that took place during 19th century Europe, you cannot but be convinced that we live in the shadows of our ancestors. In the words of Stefan Zweig, in 19th century Austria, they lived in “The World of Security”. This was the European golden age, La Belle Epoque. What happened?
By 1914, the world was taken off of the Gold standard. Under that era, people were able to have control over their money. They understood how it worked, it helped them perform economic calculation and it always kept the authority shrunk. The Gold standard was replaced by the fiat standard, or the non-gold backed dollar standard. Ever since this occurrence, governments acquired all the freedom to print money and expand their clutches over the citizen’s lives. More than 100 years later, the government is now able to expand to non-governmental institutions and use those to strengthen its control. They can now control the mainstream narrative through controlling mainstream media and social media platforms. These so-called non-governmental institutions have all the incentives to sell the people the most government beneficial narrative and they can also silence any opposition.
The money that the people use (fiat money) is completely issued by this governmental institution called central bank. They grant free loans to corporations to keep them on their side. They give out handouts to the people as a reward for staying in the pod. The Universal Basic Income. The people pay back by being compliant. They do whatever it takes to protect their “free lunch”. They wear the mask, they stay inside and they “listen to the science”. All this is done for the purpose of gaining the status of “I am doing my part”, hence I deserve the blessing of the Nanny State aka modern-day Mother Goddess. This is the Fiat Age Mindset.
A controlled society can be given the nomination “Matrifocal”, not in theory but in practice. This the type of society that will be wiped out by fierce, independent, adventurous, and rebellious Patrifocal group. A group of Perseus’. This group is arguably the Bitcoiners or as Francis Poulliot calls them, The Remnant. This type of invasion will be silent, unnoticeable, fast, and efficient. This is the greatest example of a peaceful revolution, and it will be done through a completely different mindset, The Bitcoin Age Mindset.
Bitcoin Age Mindset
Monetary history taught us one great lesson about the adoption of a certain monetary network: Hard money will always beat soft money on the long run. In other words, the “better” form of money will always gain value against the “worse” form of money, and it keeps doing so until it demonetizes it, so that the hard money becomes the only form of money in the market.
Bitcoin is arguably the better and harder form of money than fiat and even gold. It will take the world by storm, gradually then suddenly. And those who hold the said monies will be either compensated or punished accordingly. We can see that with the demonetization of the Aggry beads in Africa, the Rai Stones and most recently silver versus gold. With every event of demonetization, the group who held the harder form of money was able to not only be the wealthier group, but also to gain control.
It took the Indo-Aryans and the Indo-Europeans 1000 to possibly 3000 years of immigration and violence to be able to conquer Europe and take it away from the Matrifocal tribes. And they were able to do that because they were the stronger party as they had the better tools at hand.
However, the drill here is different. The Bitcoin holders or The Bitcoiners will not take over the world violently, they will take over the world through pure economic incentives.Through being the most capable in performing economic calculation based on time preference, as they will be the most efficient people in harvesting energy and preserving it through space and time. Everyone will want to hold the hardest money in history. It is really that simple, there is no clearer reality.
“A society in which individuals bequeath their children more than what they received from their parents is a civilized society: it is a place where life is improving, and people live with a purpose of making the next generation’s lives better.” — Saifedean Ammous
In this quote from his book “The Bitcoin Standard”, Saifedean Ammous explains how a lower time preference society is a society that leaves more to its children than it received from its ancestors, and this is precisely what makes such society a civilized one. An individual’s time preference is directly related to the money he or she uses. Under the fiat standard, society is reliant on handouts, the fiat mindset is not programmed to think for the future. Deep down, such a society is not worried or aware of the reality of future uncertainties. This is a society that is used to being bailed out of such realities at the account of others.
In contrast, the Bitcoin society is one that is always accounting for the future, it is in most cases postponing immediate gratification for greater future glory. Just like the Patrifocal invaders of the Bronze Age, the Bitcoiners have the better tools. These tools force them to be non-compliant. They do not need to feel like they are “doing their part”. Under The Bitcoin Age Mindset, one is not waiting for the blessing of the “nanny state”, simply because what she is offering is not that attractive anymore.
Bitcoin is not being treated as a threat in the current status quo precisely because politicians and government personnel have high time preference. Bitcoin will be the problem of future politicians and current ones don’t care enough about that.
The Bitcoin Age Mindset will takeover by force. It will not be entirely similar to the Bronze Age Mindset in that specific department. The 1% Bitcoiners that we talk about will have no real impact in the adoption of this mindset. The 99% living under the Fiat Mindset will be forced into this new reality. The Matrifocal society was not self destructive as long as it existed in isolation. The fiat society does not exist in isolation anymore. For so long the actions of the overlords of the fiat system had no real consequences. They were capable of simply printing their troubles away. Whether they realize this or not, this is no longer the case.